Saturday, August 30, 2014

Long Time, No Molly

Here are some pictures of Molly from the last couple months, in no particular order.  Apologies to the loyal Molly public for the infrequency of posts.

Visiting Margaret and Jerry in Manzanita.  Molly was scared of the sand and the water.

The water was unbelievably cold. Seriously, seriously cold.

Apparently Sargie was cold.

She climbed out of her crib and dressed herself.  Can you tell?

Playing in the rain.

Molly the purist eating ketchup as a main course.

Molly pretending to be a doctor.

Molly insisted that the pony guard my beer.


I asked her to smile; these are the faces I got.

We're pirates.  Molly made me put a onesie on my head and say "Arrr, matey!" a lot.

The Sponge Bob popsicle was labeled a "confection" and not ice cream.  I wonder what was in it.